Tuesday, July 19, 2016

What is Brain Pill?

What is Brain Pill?

It’s not NZT but it’s the kind of pill you might see in Limitless. 74-time Jeopardy champ Ken Jennings uses it to stay sharp. Yes, we must be talking about the natural cognitive booster, Brain Pill – the supplement used by everyone from students to businessmen and everyone in between to boost memory and related brain function.
Brain Pill isn’t some fictional magic pill in a tale of make believe. It’s the real thing – a pill you can take to boost your memory, have a quick wit and sharpen your cognitive function. How does this work? Good question. Let’s talk about Brain Pill.

Introducing Brain Pill

Brain Pill is a natural cognitive booster. You can also call it a nootropic and, OK, fine, a smart pill. If you take Brain Pill, you’ll have better memory, because it’s formulated with high-impact natural ingredients that encourage better blood circulation in the brain and help establish paths in your brain responsible for short and long-term memory.
In particular, Brain Pill is designed to help mental alertness and fight memory loss. That alone is a big deal because the latter is a huge problem after we hit 40. Memory loss tends to get worse with time and is a lonely road to travel.
But what about these rumors of Brain Pill being a natural Limitless pill? Well, among other things, Brain Pill is designed to help working memory – that’s your short-term memory – which scientists argue is a better litmus test for intelligence than IQ.
Having a high IQ just means you know how to ace a test. A good memory means your cognitive functions are firing on all cylinders.
In other words, Brain Pill really can make you more intelligent. Those rumors of it being a smart pill are valid.

Why People Use It

Folks are snatching up Brain Pill because it helps their memory. That’s got a million applications. It can help you remember where you put your keys, for example, or have faster recall of facts on an exam. That’s the tip of the proverbial iceberg, though, because the Brain Pill formula is like rocket fuel for your brain, and has exciting applications that might change your life.

Some of the more common reasons folks buy Brain Pill include:

Better Memory – The obvious reason people love Brain Pill is because it helps memory. That might help you remember someone’s name, for example. Or quickly retrieve key facts at work.
Boost Intelligence – Better memory means your brain has better cognitive and executive function. Yes, you really can take a pill and get more intelligent.
Be More Productive – Remember in Limitless when Eddie Morra wrote that novel in just 3 days? You may not hit those levels with Brain Pill but you’ll certainly get a lot more done.
Learn New Skills – Also like our favorite Bradley Cooper character from a movie that isn’t The Hangover, you may learn new skills when you take Brain Pill.
Fight Brain Fog – Ah brain fog…is there anything else that kills productivity with such reliable ad nauseum? The good news is Brain Pill fights brain fog and brings your top game. Get that brain fog outta here!
Tune Out Distractions – This is an extension of what we’ve already talked about. Brain Pill is poetry for your productivity at work or school, and when you need to focus on one thing at a time.

Use Brain Pill For Your Memory and Cognitive Skills

Most folks buy Brain Pill to boost their memory. That’s what it’s designed for, with clinically studied natural ingredients like Cognizin and Huperzia Serrata, which show huge promise for memory, brain function and their ability to keep it on its tippy-toes.
The memory benefits of Brain Pill alone separate it from other so-called cognitive boosters.
But it’s those other benefits of Brain Pill that really make it awesome. Yes, you know the one you’re thinking about. Brain Pill will make you more intelligent. Call it a natural Limitless pill if you like, the end result is it’ll help make you smart.
Is that what you’re looking for? Then Buy BrainPill Now!

Thursday, July 14, 2016

How to Improve Your Memory

Those first signs of slipping memory can be a little alarming – especially if you know the dreariness of that route. You may first see it in your 40s, or even younger, with memory loss symptoms like slower facial recall or where you left your keys.
What groceries were you supposed to buy? Wait – you forgot your grocery list at home.
While it’s normal to forget things on occasion, it’s a pattern to watch. The makers of Brain Pill natural memory supplement believe it’s important to keep your brain active. Challenge your memory – just like a muscle, give your brain a good workout daily with these memory-boosting tips courtesy of Brain Pill:
Use Your Memory Daily – Your brain needs a workout just like the rest of you. It’s a case of ‘use it or lose it’, so use your brain every day. Try crosswords, for example, or read a section of the newspaper you’d normally skip. You might also take a different route to work, for example, or learn another language or how to play a musical instrument.
See Your Friends – You’re not an island, dude. Depression and stress can both lead to memory loss, which is why you’ll want to socialize often – especially if you live alone. Be with others and take them up on their invitations. Life gets better when you do.
Organize Your Life! – You lose points with a cluttered home because you’re more likely to forget stuff. So make lists and notes of appointments and things to do in a special notebook or on your calendar. Heck, download an app on your iPod and write down what needs to get done. Speak it out loud too, to reinforce it in your memory, and check-off your tasks when completed.
While we’re on the subject, try to stay focused on the task at hand and limit distractions. You’re more likely to recall information if you concentrate specifically on that rather than multi-tasking. Put another way, focus on what you want to remember later and you’re in better shape to remember it quickly.
Sleep Well – Shut-eye helps your memory. Most adults need seven to eight hours of sleep each night. So make time for adequate rest – go to bed earlier if you have to and work on your sleep hygiene. Your memory will thank you when you try to remember stuff the next day.
Eat Healthy – Do you see a pattern here? Your memory likes healthy living. That extends to your diet, with plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Opt for low-fat protein, like fish and skinless poultry. Drink plenty of water too, and watch the alcohol intake.
Exercise Daily – This boosts blood flow throughout your body. That includes your noggin. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity (like walking) each week, says the Department of Health and Human Services, or 75 minutes of something with greater intensity, like jogging, though even a few 10 minute brisk walks per day will suffice in a pinch.
Stay in Touch With Your Doctor – Chronic conditions can affect your memory, to say nothing about the rest of your health. So follow your doctor’s recommendations, be it for depression, your kidneys or anything else in your medical history. Review your medications often with your doctor as well – some medications can reduce your memory.

Try Brain Pill

We can’t end an article on how to improve your memory without mention of Brain Pill natural memory supplement. That’s because it’s simply rocket fuel for your brain; a cognitive booster with clinically proven nootropics like cognizine, vinpocetine and ginkgo biloba, which increase alertness and blood flow in your brain.
Studies also suggest the ingredients in Brain Pill enhance and may even protect memory. They don’t call it ‘Your Unfair Advantage’ without good reason – better memory is linked to higher cognitive function. Your brain is more efficient with a sharp memory, which gives you better intelligence, and the financial and social rewards that go with them.
Try Brain Pill to improve your memory. Combine it with the memory-boosting tips we’ve discussed in this article, and you really do have an unfair advantage. Your memory will like it too, and you may finally have a solution to that pain-in-the-butt issue of where you left your keys!
If you desire to learn more about how you can dramatically improve your quality of life and your health, be sure to keep a date with http://awesomehealthandfitness.blogspot.com.ng/

Sunday, July 10, 2016

New study shows that Peppermint Tea and Rosemary boost memory in adults

New study shows that Peppermint Tea and Rosemary boost memory in adults

Ever since ancient time, rosemary has been treasured for its medicinal benefits. The traditional use of the herb was to assist in enhancing the body’s immune system, easing muscle pains, and boosting memory. However, according to the website science.naturalnews.com proof of rosemary’s health benefits is not restricted to only ancient wisdom. Scientists in a recent study have been able to show that rosemary is related to better and improved memory.

It was discovered by the scientists that older adults’memories were improved by the smell of rosemary. The team particularly found out that memory test scores increased by as much as 15 percent by merely staying in a room with the aroma of rosemary. The scientific study was presented in Nottingham at the annual conference of the British Psychology Society.

Although this increase in memory might not be of much significance, scientists from the University of Northumbria think that it might refer to the difference between forgetting and remembering to administer at a specific time a life-saving drug.

The Telegraph of the UK reported that the head of department of psychology at Northumbria, Dr. mark Moss, stated that he thought that the basis of the naturalistic observations of behaviour throughout the ages was received wisdom.

He recalled that in every village we once had herbalists who would have given out lavender for sleeping or chamomile for being calm and their effects were going to be recorded over millennias and centuries. So he thought that in the past people actually realized that memory was affected by rosemary.

His working hypothesis was that when rosemary was inhaled there was an absorption in the blood of its compounds through the lungs which were then transmitted to the brain where its chemistry could then be acted upon.

The scientists got 150 people who were over the ages of 65 recruited and had them put in a room which had either the aroma of lavender or rosemary or no smell whatsoever. After the participants were in the room, they got asked to partake in a number of tests for the memory. Included in these tests were recalling to switch tasks at a given time and passing a message at a particular time.

These assignments assisted the scientists in gauging the participants’ event-based memory and time-based memory. Event-based memory involves remembering to do something when cued by the relevant information, like remembering one has to return a book when they pass by a library, whereas time-based memory involves remembering to perform a task at a given time, like viewing a television program.

Participants in the room with rosemary performed better in a significant way on the tasks for the memory than participants in the rooms elsewhere. According to a Northumbria University post-graduate student Lauren Bussey, this was the first time that effects which were similar had been demonstrated in those who were over 65 and healthy. There was a need to investigate further so as to understand and comprehend the inherent advantages of these aromas all through people’s life spans.

Putting into peppermint the pep
In a separate experiment, the scientists equally studied the effect that was generated on memory by peppermint tea. 180 participants were recruited by the team and assigned to randomly drink of either hot water, chamomile tea, or peppermint tea.

After a rest of 20 minutes, various tests were completed by the participants which measured their cognitive abilities, including their memory. Before they drank the tea, another questionnaire which related to their temperament was completed by the participants.  

The research results revealed that a significant improvement on alertness, working memory, and long-term memory was achieved by peppermint tea when compared to both hot water and chamomile. On the other hand, chamomile tea was shown to reduce attention speed and memory, which made it a drink that is excellent for consumption prior to bedtime.

In his comments on results of the research, Dr. Moss stated that it was an interesting thing to observe the contrasting effects on cognition and mood of the two separate herbal teas.

He stated further that the arousing and enhancing effects of peppermint and the sedative/calming effects of chamomile which were studied in this research were relevant to the properties which were previously claimed of these herbs and this further suggested that from their use could be derived beneficial effects.

At Awesome Health and Fitness, we know that memory loss can be really frustrating. Apart from the sadness and loneliness, it can cause a decrease in productivity as well as affecting our friends, family, and loved ones.

But you need not worry anymore.

This is because BrainPill was designed to address all that, with a series of clinically studied natural nootropics which assist clients:
  •       Boost Memory

  •       Increase Cognitive Skills

  •       Have Faster Recall of Facts

  •       Focus Better

  •       Enhance Brain Power

  •       Perform Under Pressure

  •       Have Better Problem-Solving Skills

  •       Eliminate Brain Fog and More.

BrainPill is packed in a box of 60 capsules which should last a month. Its recommended dosage is two capsules; one in the morning and the other in the afternoon.

You can now solve your memory losses by taking BrainPill today.

Source: http://www.naturalnews.com/053840_rosemary_peppermint_tea_memory_function.html
If you desire to learn more about how you can dramatically improve your quality of life and your health, be sure to keep a date with http://awesomehealthandfitness.blogspot.com.ng/